Candi Highwind

" Wishes on Stars do come true...
Sometimes you got to be the one to make it happen..."


Name: Candi HighWind
Age: 38
Race: Miqo'te
Gender: Female
Status: Married
Family: Believed to be Deceased. she was the princess of her tribe daughter of the diplomatic leader of the Highwind clan.
Grandparents live in New Gridania
Has two children and is currently expecting her 3rd.

She can be found hanging around her Loves, who are her adventuring partners.
Job: Healer, Flower sales girl, Dancer
Likes: to have fun, the beach, making jokes, romance. kind people, Shopping
Dislikes: mean people, rudeness
Personality: cheerful, bubbly, friendly, smart-mouthed, prideful, strong-willed, and minded
Defaults: Trust issues, scared of abandonment
**Description ==
She, appears very elegantly in structure.
** Hair:
== light blonde. Comes down to her lower back. very curly with a soft pink tint.

Eyes:teal blue
lips pink
she has light natural blush to her cheeks
Skin: fair tones
Weight: ==130 ==
Height: 5’3.8″
Hobby: she enjoys doing garden work growing flowers and handing them out to people. If she isn't doing that she can be found walking along the beach taking in the fresh air relaxing.


growing up around her family, candi was raised as a diplomate princess to her tribe. She cared for her people dearly. they were a peaceful tribe and took care of the nature around them as well as the beast. Her Tribe was near some Xeala Tribes in Othard, which was a peaceful place until the empire took over, and her tribe lost their lands, Her father and mother tried to make peace, and Her mother was killed in the process. Looking away she felt unease, pain and sorrow over the whole thing. though she was just a child and did not understand most of what was going on at the time, As time went by her father moved their clan over to ilsabard, where other Tribes and clans, people of all kinds seem to seek shelter. Finding the Terncliff's after asking around for locations and seeking places her father decided they would settle down here. This was where she met many adventures and learned about the adventuring life from others around her. As she grew up she enjoyed listening to their stories and was truly amazed by them all. soon enough the empire also sized control here. Not wanting to stand for diplomated agreements or anything to do with this no longer, Candi grew upset. She left home refusing to side with the empire just so they can feel safe. She sought her very own adventure. Born with the natural ability to be a conjurer Candi wanted to advance her skills and set off to new Grinda where her grandparents live, to learn from a man there. Learning her newfound job she decided she was to become an adventure as well. upon finally signing up with them she got her first job in which she was so excited for. packing her things and rushing out she headed for Urth's Font, she was told to go fetch an item that must have dropped out of the cart. Check on the water sprites there for her white mage Training she was doing in secret. Grabbing her Chocobo she jokingly named steve. however that name seemed to have stuck, she set forth on her first adventure. Upon walking around there she happened to come across her kind. Realizing they were from her tribe she wrinkled her nose. asking them politely why they were there, the answer got she was not happy with. Her father sent them looking for her. They were told they could find her here from the adventures guild, that she had taken a job to be in this location. Anger did fill her as she looked at them all. As one grabbed her she screamed out to be let go of and demanded they take their filthy hands off her. upon being ready to fight them off she met a Xaela covered completely in a cloak, He stepped in to help her. grabbing the guy's arm who had hers, she heard the sound of leather ripping on her father's men's armor. Looking over her shoulder she smiled as the Xaela, Bent the arm of the other males and shoved him on the ground to his butt. Looking to him she nodded her head as to say thanks before looking to the others. AS they saw this they went to fight the man, The man fought back and won as she healed him throughout the fight. Thanking him afterward, she was extremely grateful! she was also curious as to who, this stranger was. why would he even step foot in to help her? his kind was known for not so much nice things. looking with her healed tilted to him she smiled. though she was told the Xaela's were terrors and bad she refused to believe that. Even growing up she did not want to. Deciding to stick around him, She followed him back to a campsite he had set up. Soon after a while, she realized the male must have been a hermit. Smiling she dragged him with her to a nearby inn, where she shoved him into a seat and got them both some non-alcoholic drinks. Talking to him, she was determined to make him more social and aware of the world. As time went on and travels happened they both became adventures together, He became a lancer and soon to be a Dragoon and she a Conjurer and soon to be White Mage. They became the best of friends. Going everywhere together, Finally, they found a party they hung out with a lot. Trent never spoke to the party much. Candi however did. They all decided to take on a job together, once much too big than they expected. They would soon learn they were in over their heads! Candi could not keep up with the healing, The help that was supposed to Arrive never made it in time. Things were looking bad as Candi and Trent were left standing alone back to back. when backup finally came. As they made was to Ishgaurd. Trent decided to part ways with her. He wanted to be stronger. Not fighting back since she was already blaming herself she agreed and walked away. Maybe she was not good enough to stick around with anyway. Shrugging it off she continued with her training as they went their ways. She studied hard to become a Dancer, and white mage even more so. as she made her home with her grandparents, she studied to become stronger. one day at a tavern someone discovered that she was a white mage by mistake. She not knowing they were outlawed let it slip. As years passed she made her home in the Chocobo forest away from people. but time lead her back to limsa lominsa where she met a small company and joined with them. soon after some time one fateful day Trent came looking for her. upon reuniting she decided to leave the company and head out with her best friend on more adventures. It would seem her old feelings for him were never lost, he decided to finally make her his upon her confession to him. They ended up marrying and having a son together before Trent vanished taking their son with them, heartbroken Candi stopped going on work calls or helping the army, she just sold flowers with her grandparents. Upon meeting a frisky cat named Cenestro he dragged her off to go help him on adventures, Deciding its been eight years since she seen Trent or her son and the note she received they both were killed, this was her chance to start over. so she took him, how ever fate had a surprise for her two years later, she heard a tale of two xeala's in which she had to go check out, finding out Trent and her son was a live she lead a party to go save them and became reunited, now her heart is trapped between the two and she refuses to choose anyone over the other.